A learning platform that offers thousands of teacher-curated educational videos to support students reach their fullest potential.
As the lead UX Designer I completed:
Discovery: competitive analysis research
Design: user flows, sketches, wireframes, low-fidelity prototypes, high-fidelity prototypes
Validate: guerilla usability testing, remote moderated usability testing
Access Ed launched their free learning platform two years ago. It contains thousands of teacher-curated educational videos to support learners reach their fullest potential.
At the moment, Access Ed is ready to roll out a new paid version that will allow users to personalize their learning.
I designed a product that gives users:
The opportunity to subscribe to the premium version during registration.
The opportunity for free users to become paid subscribers in the sign-in flow and within the product (once logged in.)
Free access to the main content while encouraging the paid version in a non-intrusive way.
A clear explanation of key new features that significantly enhance the free user experience.
After completing usability testing sessions, I was able to implement the necessary changes to improve my app. It was a very rewarding experience to be able to return to my initial design with a new perspective given to me by my users. Their insights allowed me to create a process that is more transparent, effective, and concise. I can comfortably say that my designs create the opportunity for new users to subscribe to the premium product upon registration in the signup flow. I can also say that my designs create the opportunity for returning free users to become paid subscribers in the sign-in flow as well as within the product (once logged in).
If I had more time and resources, I would flush out the free version of the app to create a more genuine and interactive experience for my users. Since my app is a media app, I would also spend considerable time implementing videos into the high-fidelity prototype. This would allow me to introduce a more realistic user flow during the moderated usability testing sessions. I would also create two different versions of this app: one catered for parents and one for students. Both interfaces would be connected but they would allow the user to have more agency.